What's up everyone! This week was great and I hope it was great for you as well. We saw lots of miracles and progress. We had the opportunity to teach so many lessons and get moving with a lot of our investigators. I was also lucky enough to go do baptisms at the Tokyo temple! It was super sweet. I was a baptizer which was my first time doing that and after that I was able to help with laundry and see the behind the scene rooms of the temple which was also a first. I hope to do it again with an investigator some day. Also 神様のおかげで we were able to get 3 people to church! Leesan came which takes her 1 step closer to baptism and the other 2 people we found streeting just the other day and they were down to come to church. None of them are Japanese but speak it fluently so it was great. It's kind of funny, my favorite people in Japanese are all foreigners. The Chinese and Koreans in Japan are the best because they speak Japanese but have the social capabilities to have fun and do things with a little more boldness. 笑 Language update - This week has been a night and day difference talking only in Japanese has taught me all the little things to talk simply speak my mind. Yesterday we went to lunch with a Japanese homie and just talked common conversation for an hour and I was able to hold my own and keep up with his Japanese. I feel like I can pretty much get my point across with anything I want to say. My problem is vocab but as I make my way to mister N3 it will clear up over time. Continue to pray for me though because without gods help たくさん弱さでバナナになってるよ!Getting over my `I need to be fluent` standard and realizing I have only been here for just over 3 months has helped. Anyways I wish I had more time to share but I gotta hop on a train to Chiba!
Until next time - Elder Parker!
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