Monday, January 10, 2022

Why Can't I Have Two of Everything? It Could Make My Life So Much Easier...or More Complicated

 …. Inhale…. Exhale…. What's up gang. Those of you who are reading are of thee elect. The past 168 hours have been Ghosty to say the least but I'll start with dinner at Father Krums. We walk up to the door with sisters stalking behind, knock knock. "Oh hey guys come on in" proceeds to close the door…. "Where is your god *&%* coat Elder Kroff. "Uhhh", "Go back outside and get your &%,^* coat". Elder Kroff gave in like a wimp and he forced us to "I don't care stay with your companion" , a great start to dinner to say the least. Man simps over the sisters lets them in no problem. Boom Eating dinner starts talking about Christ centered goals. " How have you seen goals affect your life". Father Krum, "Ha I don't believe in goals, I just do". I was trying not to laugh so hard. What a role model of a first counselor to the bishop am I right. Ha, he's a funny guy. This week we got a smoking 6 news which was sweet. We have accumulated lots of people to manage, but that's the best part. This area is so ready for the gospel. It is awesome. We knocked an apartment complex (24 doors) and 3 people were down for a message and let us in. That's pretty good I would say. We also have a girl named Natalie which we have finally been able to meet with. She will be getting baptized later this month. 2 others will hopefully be on date soon with a lot moving forward. But man there is so much failure that goes into missionary work. Ha I swear sometimes I feel it would be better just to start hypnotizing people. Picked that skill up in the MTC… but I understand blah blah it's better that a man chooseth to be humble then forced to be. Anyways I have been yearning so much for the scriptures. I have found a love to learn about Christ's church. If you haven't already I would suggest you read Saints or listen to the podcast found on gospel library, it's pretty sweet. Also my Triple combination is looking beefy now I'm probably gonna pull up to the MTC after the mish and do some black market deal and sell it to some kid for a couple thousand…. Due to inflation😂 Ha he will have no clue. The scriptures are free man🤣. I don't know though, just a thought. But all is well here in the interesting and illiterate state of South Dakota. Also my DL tested positive for Covid the day after a Zone meeting which was kind of funny to hear because the virus doesn't really exist here. Kind of felt a little weird with random spurts of nausea for like 4 days. So just in case we had it we stopped by all the old folks' homes. Wowowoowow…. Kiddddding. Besides I think If anything we got low key possessed by Jermy. You see it seemed that our friend Jermy was a good Idea to get at the time but after 9 O'clock Jermy starts acting up. You will meet him in the video attached. Also there will be a video with everything from this week and the next in next week's email! Also found this sick scripture that really strengthens my testimony, "Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel". (1 Peter 3:7). Bible am I right😂 All jokes aside, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is Jesus Christ's only true and living church with the power of God in it. Restored by a prophet who was not perfect as we all aren't named Joseph Smith who brought forth the word of God and the record of Christ's dealing in America, The Book Of Mormon. I promise you will not make a mistake coming unto Christ where he needs you most in his Kingdom on earth. Every time you act in faith he rejoices and every time you screw up, it pains him that he has to withhold blessing from you. Remember in order to know it is true you have to ask. In order to receive guidance, forgiveness, strength you must seek your father in heaven for it. As God does put the earth as your footstool to your throne. You're better than what the world has to offer so stay strong everyone and keep absolutely killing it without ever looking back.

Sent from Stacy's Dad - Elder Parker

Ohhhh scaryyyy- 

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