Tuesday, June 27, 2023


 Wow, what is up everyone! Things have been really good. I cant believe it, I feel like I just blinked and June is gone. It has been probably the fastest but one of the best months of my life. Its been a very spiritually heavy time and I just can't describe it, not at all. I DONT cry, never in my life, but I feel like one or two happy\sad tears may swell on a eye lid once or twice over the next couple months. Anyways, I'm not really sure where this email will go but I'm on a 5 hour train ride right now so please feel free to read.

On the 17th Ki San got baptized and was confirmed the following day. It was so special and everything worked out perfectly. We've had to go through some tuff things with him but in the end I told him to do this for no reason other then for the desire to follow Jesus Christ, and he did it. On the car ride back from the river he turned to me and said why didn't you ask me to be baptized right when you got here, and I said I knew a lot of missionaries had asked you to be baptized but I wanted to be your friend first. In respond he said, "well, it's a good thing you did that because it worked". He had an instant change from before and after his conformation that you can clearly see. It is pretty amazing and he already bought a plan ticket to Utah to come see us in December. 

Following the baptism we went to Tokyo with some members on Tuesday and spent the whole day there doing once in a lifetime things. It was absolutely the best birthday I've ever had and not one I will ever forget.(Big 20) Then that night we got to sleep in temple housing for the 3rd time. Haha I am so lucky to do the things I've been able to do here in Japan. My mission president is about to die and just loves our zone and lets us do a bunch of fun stuff. On Wednesday morning the rest of the mission showed up and we had a mission wide Zone conference. It was so awesome seeing everyone. Especially because I new everyone haha and it was the president and all the senior couples last zone conference. It was very special. We also were able to hear and give some good trainings about life long discipleship of Jesus Christ and do a Talent show which was actually really good. 

Following that we went to Maebashi and the next morning me and Elder Cortés headed off for Oyama to start exchanges with every set in our zone. I went with Elder Johnson and it was actually his last day to do missionary work before his 2 years ran up so we worked hard all day and it was super fun and good. A lot of rejection which I'm sure he doesn't miss but saw some small miracles as well. Then we came back and me and Elder Oranda worked in Kiryu and did a good amount of teaching on doorsteps and on the street. 

Then on Sunday we had a Filipino member come and bring a friend which was gold and she is gonna come again next week too! The Filipinos are the best. Then today we went to Takasaki which has an awesome church building that brought me back to the states. It was crazy. Anyways we went bowling and now me and Elder Cortés are off again on a train to Aizuwakamatsu. 

So that's a little bit of what's been happening lately. We've been busy and are working hard, seeing little successes and big ones. However like I said at the start, through it all it has been a very spiritual time. It's interesting, I've prayed my whole mission that my mission can end right and in a way that I won't look back at everything with no regret or sorrow. Well as the spirit presses strongly I realize there is still quite a bit of things I need to do and change in order for that to happen. Recently I've been trying to learn and be better at building real relationships with others and to notice the effect that has on myself. I've been trying to see and hear others as Christ would. For those that don't know, an entirely new Preach my Gospel and area book dropped last week. I have been studying the new preach my gospel along with my Book of Mormon and Jesus the Christ studies. Something it talks about it Chapter 1 is how the Spirit is the third member of the Godhead and should be something we seek after 1st in life. As stated in PMG, "Seeking to have the Holy Ghost with you should be one of your most earnest desires." It goes on to give ways you can do so. For example it says, reading scripture, praying, weekly sacrament, following the commands are ways which I could've guessed but lastly it says to purify your heart, which is perfect cause this is just what I have been thinking about lately to help me overcome my own faults and wrongs and if we do so we are promised that, "The Holy Ghost guides, teaches, and comforts you. He cleanses and sanctifies you. He testifies of truth and bears witness of the Father and the Son. He brings about your conversion. The Holy Ghost “will show unto you all things what ye should do” (2 Nephi 32:5). He will magnify your abilities and service far beyond what you could do on your own.". Pretty amazing right. So I'll let you know my secret on what I've been doing to better myself. I always carry a notebook and paper around. In times I feel tempted in any way whether that be to not read my scriptures when I have time to do so, or tiredness, or something. I write down everything I'm feeling and then specifically look around  to anyone I look at judgingly or with any thought outside of what Christ would want for me. Then I start writing about them, I write about the fact that they probably have parents and a family and the troubles they probably have and the good human things about them that they probably have and finally how I could serve them and instead of judging or looking at someone wrongfully I can look at people for what they are and how I feel Christ would want me to.  After, I tear up the paper and rinse and repeat. I'm a missionary with my own battles and in different spots however striving to seek after the 3rd member of the Godhead being the Holy Ghost has helped me so much. Assuming the best about others takes away evil feelings in yourself and I testify of that.

Now I could write books about the things I've been studying and learning but I have also really found fascination in the Christlike attributes of Honesty, Humility, and Patience and the power that seeking to obtain these brings. I also testify of the power of prayer and personal revelation and most of all that Jesus Christ lives and his atonement is real and he is the only way back to the father. He is the only way we can be made perfect in a lifetime were perfection can not come on our own.

All right that's all.

Thanks for reading😁

- Elder Parker

Pictures -


Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Ki San

 I'm sorry everyone, I have absolutely no time to write today however I wanted to share pictures of an experience I will never forget and I will write a lot about everything next week! Ki San got baptized and confirmed and it was the most special thing ever! The gospel is true, and Jesus Christ lives!

Mission Complete