Tuesday, January 18, 2022

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What…..is….up…guys. You know why missionaries should have mullets? Because they are practical. They protect your neck from the sun and keep your hair out of your eyes. Sometimes I wonder if Jesus ever had a mullet. Anyways, this week is to be compared to eating Ramen but every noodle is a different consistency. Some hard, others soft but cold etc. Transfers are tomorrow and me and Elder Kroff will be staying here. One of us might be district leader but they still haven't decided for our district. Elder Wixom sadly went home yesterday. He told us last Sunday he needed to talk and I instantly knew. He had some stuff to work out back home and hopefully he will come back out in 6 - 12 weeks. It felt like firing someone at work you don't want to fire but you have to see them go. But, I am excited I don't have to pack again and my OG trainer is going to be in my zone now so that is gonna be sick. I do wish we had a different ward situation but it is what it is. This week we had 19 non member lessons but we don't even have 19 active members. We constantly are pushed for member work, rightfully as it more than doubles success. This week we had some more funny door knocking experiences. Serving In the U.S. has its perks but there are definitely downfalls ha. I swear sometimes I feel like all we do is get passive aggressively bashed. It's fun and hard, but makes you learn a lot. But there are souls to be saving like my boy Pog and his dog Alex. My guy is definitely from some Asian country and is Illegal. We knock his door and we can barely understand his accent but he claims to be from Idaho. Probably some spy that's communicating for China expecting to pull a, "Bravo six.. going dark". but in reality he is just communicating things like. " I think I met their government, they have this weapon called Jesus". Another girl was slithering like a snake definitely on some strong drug as she tells us she believes in Christ and, "Ohhh yeah I am Christian" as she falls over. Also taught this Spanish guy who I obviously could not understand. Also, we knocked on someone's door and they said they were a loner here, so I replied "Awesome, have you heard of anyone from our faith before?" Or something like that. And my comps were just roasting me and putting me through a bunch of scenarios and apparently I have 0 empathy. What was I supposed to say ohh I'm so sorry you're lonely…. Instinctively my brain thinks, go talk to people if you're worried about it. So obviously that's something I've been trying to work on but it's hard because naturally I think empathy Is for the weak. But that's why we are out here for two years. 😁 Lately the weather has been nice which is so refreshing but reminds me of the summer and makes me miss work. Going to work for 8 hours riding solo listening to music. Sometimes I wish I could go solo for a month on my mission. Don't get me wrong I love my comps…. just my personality. Anyways I was thinking the other night before my mission that if a coworker asked me to work on a Sunday I would say I can't because my parents wouldn't let me. Now I would be like nah man Sundays are to worship God. Missions set you up to be a missionary for the rest of your life. Probably why you serve at a young age. A scripture I found and love to share with others in the first lesson is 3 Nephi 3:7, "Or in other words, yield yourselves up unto us, and unite with us and become acquainted with our secret works, and become our brethren that ye may be like unto us—not our slaves, but our brethren and partners of all our substance." Keep the Faith my  Chicken à la Kings!

Live Long and Prosper - Elder Parker

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