Monday, July 11, 2022

Spring Break

 Yuhh, what's good everyone? I hope you all are staying out of poverty! 

This week has probably been the most fun week of my mission. Let me tell you, I moved from skilled to veteran real quick... give it another week or two we going straight 👆 to Grand master. Grandforks might take the cake for favorite area which is saying a lot cause that involves Sidney Montana, my first area. But it is definitely the people! I learned that your circumstances of living or having money has literally zip zadda soap nothing with your level of happiness. Its all about the people... which is why I think everyone needs an Asain in their life but that's besides the point. Anyways we have a good time here doing the Lord's work. We have another set of elders close by and we play ping pong every night till lights out at 10:30. Lowkey, I be getting decent out here on the ping table. So we have a blast but also are all really good working missionaries so we slay in what is important! 

I'm getting to the point in my mission that weekly emails are getting harder haha. Cause there is so much that happens in a week, like an insane amount of experiences, but I just can't even began to try and turn all of it into writing. Just know I am comfortable, I'm learning, I actually have a testimony (crazzzy right, before the mission I had no clue about literally anything within the church😂 but thats probably my own fault) I am fulfilling my purpose here on earth and there is no chance my life could ever be the same without my mission. And I still got a while! I'm growing so much with the people around me and I wouldn't trade the world for it.

Anyways I know everyone really wants to hear about the work so I'll try harder next week but just know its going super well. We have 5 people on date for baptism. We grinded our butts of Saturday and got 6 people to church and found a bunch of fun people to teach with members, including an aggressive Satanist who will be teaching us what 6 god means tomorrow so pray that we don't die cause he got some bad spirits hahaha. 

Also for anyone that is curious if I had the opportunity to just have gone straight to Japan in the beginning right now, there is no chance I would take that or want it. Or even if they said you could go tomorrow or wait another 2 transfers then go I would wait for sure. 

Anyways video next week but for now keep eating your carbs💪

Elder Parker

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