Monday, January 3, 2022

No...NO! I'm Not Ready for Hell! I've Got Nothing to Wear!

 There really is nothing like serving a mission. I mean nothing. Careless of what others think. Not knowing of one thing happening in the world. Divulging yourself in and getting condemned daily by the scriptures. Serving with the idea it is on behalf of God. No one watching over you. Talking to people you would never do before hand. There will never be another time in my life where I won't have to worry about tax evasion.  The scary thing is how fast it is going. In a blink of an eye I'll be burning a tie… then dead. Not discrediting the hardships you inquire on a mission but all good learning experiences, depending on how you look at it. The faint of heart don't last. But we have been pretty blessed here in Belle Fourche with another 5 new this week and making progress with the ones we are teaching as well as getting close to baptism with. I am really hoping some of these will go through but it is never easy. This week has been a cold one. It has snowed a bunch and been so cold nothing ever melts. There has been snow on the roads every day but you know our mommy missile is a beast in it, unless you go to 2WD and turn off traction. My nose hairs feel like they freeze within 5 seconds it's pretty epic. It has been negatives all week with the lowest I saw while out being -18. But I feel our bodies are adapting pretty fast. I would probably have frostbite before I realized my ears were cold. Anyways, we help this guy named Mike every week and he gives us people that we can work with. He is the one with wolfs, had a tiger, llama… ect. At one moment we rolled a hay sushi role out on this metal sled, attached it to the hitch and drifted it around. Also got to move some animals which was not organized or elegant ha. This last… I have no clue what day… Elder Wixom was driving and we were probably 3 minutes out and he gets a check your speed (7 over) and then we 🥚 him on being the Christlike figures we are and reach over and unbuckled him so he gets the check your seat belt as well. Ha he gave up at that point. For the remainder of the 3 minute drive home he got 6 check your speeds while it was spamming check your seat belt. We were dying laughing but you would probably have to be there to laugh. And last night… can't wait for the vehicle coordinator to go, Why was he going 65 in a 25 at 8:58. We were just trying to be obedient. And yes we made it in time. Ha also this week we have had quite a few interesting door knocking experiences. One night we somehow ended up in this super rich area on the hillside in Spearfish. Elder Kroff was kinda being a baby, like "rich people are just gonna get mad at us" but everyone's eternal salvation matters so we walk up this man's long curved driveway. Knock on the door, nothing. Start talking to the doorbell with a camera and his garage silently opens and out of nowhere he is backing out with his whole family. Backs up right next to us standing on the porch but no one looks and all of us are standing still and they just drive down. It was pretty funny. If we were robbers, we would be rich.. possibly in jail but rich so 100% worth. Another guy, we knocked on his apartment and this overweight shirtless white guy with a beard opens the door and says yes while looking down.. We Introduce ourselves and he says he is shinto so we come back a couple days later and he lets us in. He had One Punch Man playing and eating a taco bell burrito when he says let me show you my shrine. We walk back into this room with just bookshelves on bookshelves of anime. We are talking for a while and he starts talking about the God he prays to... pfff straight out of Naruto. My companion says " isn't that from Naruto" and he is like…. Well… yes but there is a lot of stuff in that. He has gone to Japan a lot and served on base there so we told him we pray to 天のお父様and he goes ahh I know of him and puts his fist to his hand in front of his chest and bows. And he says he has a girlfriend in Japan which she is coming down to get married…   which Either I feel bad for the girl or the guy getting used for a green card. It was a pretty funny interaction. Anime is cool and all but when you go Shinto on em and start worshiping a God from Naruto I think that's a bit much😂. I SAW THE FIRST BALCK PERSON IN A WHILE. We knock on his door and he opens up shirtless in a durag. You already know he's a G. (G= homie= friend) Gotcha grandma! He asks if we are church people and points to Elder Wixom and goes ha you have a midget with you.😂. After he confirms we are not the KKK 5 times he invites us in and explains how he has been getting hunted lately. Proceeds to get his girlfriend and kid out as we talk. He says he only prays when he does something bad. Example, " you know bruh If I go rob the convenience and happen to kill someone you know then I pray" he was pretty hype and said he would come to church. Which we were pretty scared cause he definitely would have pulled up to the podium on fast Sunday popping off with the F word. But he said we are welcome all the time so we will definitely go see him again. Last night we went to a town called Lead. It was so creepy. This little like half abandoned ancient ski tow where all the roads were weirdly hilly with abandoned buildings.  Everyone there was creepy, ha. It was kind of epic. I got some pictures but they don't do any justice. It felt like another country. Anyways I put together a video for this week so let me know if you like it. The editing kind of wipes but I'm using this buns app to do it. Don't forget to stay frosty everyone even when you feel torched and remember a wise man once said "Hit me like one of your French girls and if you want to be happy, read the book of Mormon". Gotchu!

Until our fingertips touch - Elder Parker

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