Monday, July 31, 2023

Paaaaaaaaaiin, in the back yard

Yo, Hello everyone! Welcome back to my weekly email. Things have been so good here and we are working really hard. A lot of stuff happened this week, so ill try and give you a glimpse of it! 

Starting off in Tokyo at the first MLC with the new president. It was really good and equally intense, but we had some good discussion and inspired questions asked. I think President Deshler will bring some good things to this mission. After returning from Tokyo we were able to get some food with Ki and his non member friend named Hakusan whom we are going to start trying to work with and teach. He is pretty sweet and from China.  

From Thursday we really jumped into it, setting goals linked with real people and plans to achieve them every morning, then reviewing them midway through the day and then again reviewing and seeing how we can do better before we go to bed. We have been working smart and diligently. Anyways we went to a library to study Thursday morning but it was closed so instead we decided to go to see will, who is the Canadian that owns a coffee shop here and we were able to teach him about the restoration and build a good relationship with him so that was good. Then we had some good finding. We went to a train station and I played the piano for 3 grandma's and they had interest in Christianity and we gave them church information and a Book of Mormon which was pretty rare and cool. 

On Friday we had no plans and nothing scheduled so we decided to go to Ashikaga and visit members. It was terrible. It was at least a feel of 110 out with not a cloud in the sky which was good but the bad part was that every single member address there is dead. We learned the lesson to ask members about people we are gonna visit before visiting haha. We were able to meet a couple cool people though and especially on the train back when we met Shingo and 2 girls from Austria who were in Japan working for Cosplay that needed help with there train. I saw Shingo and said I gotta talk to him walking through the gate and my comp was like we gotta talk to those girls that look helpless so I went to Shingo and then they ended up coming and asking us for help but It was fun cause Shingo just chilled with us for like 20 minutes and is super sweet. Anyways on Saturday we planned a bunch for ZC and then went on a hike with Ki and Hakusan and then did a little BBQ thing at the church. We gave Hakusan a Book of Mormon in Chinese and it was sweet. He just accepts everything.

On Sunday Kazu came to church and we had a really good discussion with him about a lot of things and answered some of his questions. He understands it but still isn't sure if it is true or not. However later that night we ran into a pocket of foreigners and got 4 different poeples contacts so that was nice being that we only had about 30 minutes to find in this little store. But after that we went and met with some Buddhists that preached to us the stupidest things ever. "If you don't say this chant you will die from world War 3" type stuff and I think they believed in evolution. Anyways that was kinda a waste of time but after we had a good Book of Mormon study night and Bishop Matsunuma and his whole family can to support which was great.

Then yesterday we went out with the sickest Philippinos ever haha. I love the people of the Philippines. They are so humble, kind, and just good people. We gave them all Book of Mormons and had a really good time together and 2 of them we had never met before. Anyways it was a pretty good week and we also got 4 solid referrals of foreigners which is gonna be really good.

I've made it from 1Nephi to Mosiah since last time and it's so good, so don't forget to read and keep the faith! 

-Elder Parker 

Pictures Pictures Pictures

Saturday, July 29, 2023


 Hi Mindi, this is Sister Debbie Loftus. I'm in the Seventh Ward. I just wanted to text and say hello because my husband and I are serving as the office couple for the Japan Tokyo North mission. We are currently serving from home because our Visa hasn't come yet, but anyway, Friday in our weekly mission devotional, your son bore his strong testimony about temples in Japanese. It was fun to see him knowing he was from my stake. Anyway, just wanted to say hi. You can be very proud of your son.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Mission Leadership Council - Facebook post by President and sister Deshler

 Mission Leadership Council this week. Great discussion and ideas from our young leaders. They are so dedicated and anxious to serve with all their heart, might, mind and strength. It’s inspiring to be with them.

Monday, July 24, 2023


 Yo, Good morning! How is everyone? 

This week has been crazy. Transfers happened and I will be spending a 5th transfer here in Kiryu haha. However mi amigo Elder De Hollanda will not be continuing with me. He has been exiled up north to Niigata but will be serving with Elder Kroff who I was comps with in the states so that's kinda cool. Anyways my new companion (Elder Deitz) is a beast. He's 6 foot 5" and a super solid missionary. We are gonna get some work done and plan to keep ourselves real busy. Anyways yesterday we were able to meet the District in Kumagaya and hear a bit from the missionaries in the zone and we've got some good goals and a lot of motivation with the new President as well, so I'm pretty excited.

This week was busy with stuff but we where able to meet up with Kagari and a couple others with Rei Sama and things are progressing. We are really gonna try and push Kagari San into the waters this transfer or at least with a date for baptism.  We plan to have a Pokémon night tonight (card game) which should be good too.

We also got to go to Nikko and I got certified as a Ninja and I become a rich lord in part of a show which was pretty funny.

Anyways that's all I got for today, not a super filled email but things should be pretty intense for the next couple weeks so until then

-Elder Parker

Monday, July 17, 2023

No power, no glory

 Hey everyone, what up? This weeks weather was crazy. The sun hurts like I'm in Arizona but its equally humid like in Florida/Georgia here in believe it or not the center of the hottest prefecture in Japan. Had some crazy thunder and lightning storms too which was awesome... brought me back to North Dakota for a second haha. This week was great. I experienced my first black out which knocked the trains dead for a bit which was interesting. 

All right, starting of the week in the rural country side of Shirakawa me and Elder Fujimoto went knocking for 5 hours straight with absolutely no success but we had a good time and it was great. I feel exchanges have been really good for the missionaries in our zone. I remember in the states the impact some of my Zone Leaders had on me on what probably felt like an average or ineffective exchange to them so it's been fun serving fellow missionaries and trying to help them and their areas a bit. We have also been trying to knock more here in Kiryu too because there's just no one outside but it's tuff haha. We just get pile drived into the ground knocking here. It's definitely not like the states. It's also hard because the population here in northern Japan just feels like it's dwindling so fast. Just here in my area I feel like I see a new abandoned high school on the weekly and all the apartments are at most maybe 50 percent full. No kids either makes for a lonely abandoned vibe with some old people around which has been where I have spent most my time in Japan so I've gotten pretty used to it. On the bright side, it means that you can go and do anything and as long as it's not in Tokyo or a tourist spot there is usually no one there and you have the place to yourself whereas in America there would be people on dates and kids and highschoolers hanging out so it can be nice some times. Anyways on Friday I invited everyone I had in my phone to church and told them I was saving a seat for them. I think it turned into about 100 messages I sent and 5 people said they would come. One of them was actually Kisans friend and he took us to his college dorm to invite him in person which was so depressing. I can't believe people study there, but seeing him was  pretty sweet. He really wanted to come but ended up not showing up the next morning but we did have 2 of the other 4 that did come! One person was Kajisan that said he likes the feel of Christian music so he came and had to leave early and hasn't responded to our message so I don't know what he thinks about it but secondly Kazusan came and he is a beast. He talked to some crazy members that were just like "listen to the mission!" Haha but we did teach him the plan of salvation after second hour and it went well. He was hesitant to accept our invitation to pray about it and the Book of Mormon but he took everything no problem and had some good questions. It was also a good lesson for me cause it has been a little since I have been able to teach a full good lesson and I felt completely fluent within the things we where talking about to teach and say whatever I wanted and to answer his questions which was pretty awesome. 

Alright so I am just about to finish the Book of Mormon. 4th Nephi, words of Mormon, Ether, and Moroni are so sad and just like, well that's tuff, but some extraordinary things do happen in Ether which is pretty amazing to read about. I plan to start it again tomorrow. My goal is to read it cover to cover all within next transfer which I am excited about. It is true. 

That's all for this week! Next week should be pretty crazy. We are also going to Round One today with Maebashi Elders which I am really excited for😁. 

Until next time - Elder Parker

Algumas fotos dahora 🎥 - 

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Mission Tour - Facebook Post by President and Sister Deshler

 First mission tour

What an amazing 6 days we had traveling the mission and meeting all of our exceptional missionaries. We are so grateful for each and every one of them.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

President and Sister Cook's Farewell Facebook Post

 Our time in the JTNM has come to an end and we are returning home to Utah.

It has been a sacred privilege and tremendous blessing for us to serve as full-time missionaries and we are so grateful for each one of you who have had a profound impact on our lives.
· To our leaders – thank you for your example, guidance, and love!
· To our amazing family – thank you for your unbelievable love and support!
· To the parents and families of our missionaries – thank you for raising such incredible young people who are so prepared to serve the Lord and for all your love, prayers, and support for them and us!
· To all the missionaries called to the JTNM but instead served so faithfully in your re-assignments – your strength and adaptability are inspiring. We love you and will meet you all one day soon!
· To all our beloved missionaries we served with – thank you for all you have taught us, for your diligence in serving the Lord, for being willing to do hard things, for allowing personal growth, and so much more. Thank you for being part of this “grand adventure!”
“This is the blessing which hath been bestowed upon us, that we have been made instruments in the hands of God to bring about this great work.” ~ Alma 26:3 ~
This has truly been an indescribable experience for us but mostly we want you to know of our deep and abiding love for and testimony of our Savior, Jesus Christ. He lives and His gospel is true! We love you forever!

Senior missionaries - words cannot fully describe the impact senior missionaries have in a mission. They are needed, blessed, and loved! We love you forever JTNM fufu's! Thank you for your consecrated service and such wonderful memories!
神谷幸志 & Kimiko Kamiya are some of the hardest workers we know! They have taken care of all the apartments and emergency preparedness in our mission. This requires many, many hours on the road which is no small task because our mission is so spread apart. They train new missionaries, find apartments, furnish them, replace items, inspect, make sure we are prepared for emergencies, and so much more. They extended their mission service 4 times to continue helping us and we will be forever grateful for them!
 Kenji Minami Chorou & 南繁子 Shimai blessed us all with their love, example, and kindness. They served so faithfully in Shirakawa, Nagamachi, did weekly posts on social media, taught Japanese to our foreign missionaries, and so much more. We send them home with our love and profound gratitude for their devoted service in the JTNM!
Ron and Kelly Nelson served as our office couple taking care of - well just about everything! Packages, name tags, business cards, orientation, finances, travel, correspondence, gifts, supplies, meeting logistics, vehicles, apartment furniture, meals, and the list goes on and on. We just could not function without them and are so grateful for their tireless service to each and every missionary and especially the great love for each of us.
Mark and Jana Staples helped with the YSA's, taught English Connect, took care of vehicles, prepared and served 1000+ meals, helped set up and take down many, many meetings, helped with apartments, and the biggest challenge - bicycles! And this is only a small list of their many contributions. Mostly they loved each and every missionary and we have all been forever blessed because of them.
Douglas and Blyth Gunson - it is just hard to adequately describe the impact these two have had on so many people here in Japan. They served as a Member & Leader Support (MLS) couple in our Niigata District where they taught, served, loved, nurtured, fed, baptized, and ministered to so many including our young missionaries. Thank you for ALL you have done for each one of us!

Mission Complete