A man took an ax to split himself in two right… down… the…. middle so he would always have a friend. Some things just take time we told him…. But that's okay.
Witnessed a beating….. might be interrogated, Don't know.
The past seven days have been distraught to say the least. We have been getting bashed a lot lately. Yesterday at 7:30 at night someone chased us down with a Bible under his arm after his wife rejected us. But we absolutely destroyed it and even committed him to reading and praying about the Book of Mormon. Getting pretty good at dealing with those wrapped around Satan's fingers. Others aren't willing to listen at all but are never able to prove a point with meaning. It is crazy to think how well I handle things now and how much I have learned since my first transfer. But the only thing they can never deny is a strong testimony. One day we were sitting in the church at like 8:30 pm for like 15 minutes before going home when we heard footsteps. We walked out and looked in the dark hallways and stood still to listen when we heard them again down the hall around the corner. We went back in the room and brushed it off when boom the sound of a barefoot kid running down the hall but this time the hall outside of our room. We look... nothing. What did we do? lol went bravo six on em searched the whole building with flashlights when we saw a trap door on the floor. We creep it open to the sight of a pitch black four feet deep space. We crawled inside when chills came flooding in. Look left then right with our light when all of the sudden the door above us closes. At this point I was terrified but to make things worse when I looked back Elder Kroff was gone and there was a skeleton holding my hand. Ha nah I'm playing guys but everything up until us crawling in the trap door did happen. Still don't know what it was but it was kind of creepy so we decided to not leave the key in the outlet. Anyways we found 4 people this week and our 15 or so we are teaching are progressing as well. We have dinner every Tuesday night now as well, which is awesome. Students are back in Spearfish for college and we have like 8 big football players that are sweet that we all eat together Tuesday nights. Only 3 are members so it's pretty fun to be able to teach those willing as well. Also Elder Kroff is District leader so now we have more responsibility and we are in charge of ad responses on Facebook for the zone. Ha who knows why cause we never do facebook work because it isn't effective so that will be funny. Anyways I gotta go but stay strong you Kings!
This week has been a serious learning week for me personally. My testimony has grown more than I ever would have imagined. We are committing someone to stop smoking and the only way to overcome sin is the fact that temptation fades when you find that true love for Jesus Christ. When you do something to hurt yourself you are equally hurting him. You will never fall victim if you love your Savior and Father in Heaven so much that you don't want to hurt them. As it hurts a father or mother when their kid gets hurt. It hurts our Father in Heaven when you hurt yourself. Your conversion and the love of Christ I know you have is the only way to overcome Satan's never ending efforts. Also I was on a call with my old companion and he gave me so much motivation. He is a farm boy type of style and a super hard worker. He was telling me how my old trainer got told stuff by my old bishop before he left. My old bishop is a genius and could answer any question you had but to put it bluntly taught us a really good lesson which the spirit testified was true to me. Deep doctrine studies by listening to others bash and talk or even teach is basically spiritual porn. My old bishop fell down that rabbit hole and fell away from the church after his mission because of it. Not because it wasn't true, heck he knew everything about it to make it true. But he taught us that what you need is your Book of Mormon and other scripture given to us because when you are reading and you get that feeling and tingles that right there is the spirit testifying that truth to you. When you listen to deep doctrine you are reading the script without watching the movie. Nothing is true if the spirit doesn't testify it to you. A lot of missionaries that come off their missions and go inactive are sometimes because of this. You can know everything there is to know and it will wrap you right around to this being the only true doctrine that makes sense. But the only reason you choose to follow Christ and his gospel on earth is because what the spirit has told you is true and that is what matters. It's fun to know every little thing but that is not what the spirit is testifying to you therefore information with no meaning. You will begin to not be able to feel the spirit when reading your own scriptures because it will become a documentary instead of God's word to you. Jacob 4:14 "But behold, the Jews were a stiffnecked people; and they despised the words of plainness, and killed the prophets, and sought for things that they could not understand. Wherefore, because of their blindness, which blindness came by looking beyond the mark, they must needs fall; for God hath taken away his plainness from them, and delivered unto them many things which they cannot understand, because they desired it. And because they desired it God hath done it, that they may stumble."