What's undercooking email coterie? Time is a flying. I have one week left in the MTC then I will be flying out to the old Koda’s. It's been an amazing 8 weeks and I can't believe that after this next week I'll be done with my 9-week MTC stay and over 2 months through my mission already. I loved being back in Georgia and seeing the people I was able to. I've loved my stay here and have again grown an expediential amount in my time here. I'll be flying to my mission alone and then all the other missionaries will be flying in about 45 minutes after me from the Utah MTC. Although there should be some stragglers also going to japan in the same boat. My strategy is to use those 45 minutes to set a good impression so that after my first transfer I can just replace the mission president. I'm also really hoping to run into some air sharks on the way, maybe they will commit to baptism, who knows ha. My Japanese is coming along, I feel pretty comfortable in the language now and my reading is pretty legit. I can read a lot of the Book of Mormon except half the words because grammar is definitely my strong suit, but at this point, I feel like I just need to be there. My favorite word is probably yosshhhh, good luck translating that. And my favorite phrase is やるしかない (Send It). Anyways, I’ll have an hour of language study a day still in ND and plan on hopefully getting all of the Pikachu AKA (the yellow book) down in the time being. I am beyond ready to be in the field and curious to see where I’ll end up and who my companion is going to be. Although I'm excited, it is a bit sad. People always say life goes on but to me that's the saddest part. One thing I've loved the most is always having nine people who are at the same point of life with similar goals learning the same things, who are all so close to each other. We could rely on each other with differing questions, which I have learned so much from as well as helped others. I can not wait for the time I get to see everyone again in Japan. It makes me realize how much my brain cannot even comprehend how jaw-dropping our reunion in heaven will be. I am pretty excited to have Elder Kroff going to ND with me. I hope we end up companions at some point In the US or Japan. We are very similar and are always the two spinning around in circles in class spicing things up ha. He’s the type of friend that you can have fun with no matter what you're doing. I asked my companion what if one of our planes gets hit by a flock of explosive sequels. He said, “I wish, but God isn't going to let us go down that easily, we have a lot of work to do and things to experience first.” As a missionary you forget about yourself because you don't matter, you really don't. The lord's work is what matters. I want to be the shiny new tool in God's tool belt. No, I want to be the rusty hammer that will never break or fail. Ask yourselves is it more important to be loved by God or trusted by God. Maybe that was too obvious. We know God loves all of us wildn people but to be trusted is a whole other level. Doctor and Covenants section 4 verse 2 states, “Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.” I intend to do just that. I want, no.. will be the companion that everyone I'm with will remember as being the companion that helped them reach their full potential. I am here and ready to do whatever God desires of me, and have a great time doing so regardless of the situation. Self-conversion is an important part of missions and I will do all I can to accomplish the vision God has for me and never look back with the thought that I could have done better. I would invite all of you to read and ponder your patriarchal blessings. Maybe it's been a week, or maybe a year. Also, I would read the Book of Mormon, I don't know just a hunch. Ha, I made a goal to read the whole thing in 1 week starting Thursday and I am on pace starting Alma today. It's really cool to see the full stories and books all at once together rather than just random chunks. Also, I think one of my favorite chapters in the BOM is Moroni 8 and I really hope I get to teach it to someone who has been suffering from the issue talked about in that chapter for a long time. Also, something to keep in mind that I've learned since being on my mission which is pretty obvious to some but not to others so hold on with me. The best part of life cannot be bought (exception - AK。冗談). Although achievements are important, when all is said and done your successes might not compare to friends, family, and others. But hey you accomplished something right. Try not to compare ourselves with others and focus on yourself and remember that words cut deeper than knives. A knife can be pulled out, but words are embedded deep into our soul’s so please be careful what we say to others so your never responsible for the thought that there's nothing someone can do but let it rain and hope for sunshine. Right now, there are people all over the world who are just like you. They're either lonely, they're missing somebody, they're depressed, they're hurt, they're scarred from the past, they're having personal issues no one knows about, they have secrets you wouldn't believe. They wish, they dream, and they hope. But God works in very..very..very…..mysterious ways and his plan for each of us differs from everyone else on this earth and is just so great that we can't comprehend it. Everything happens for a reason, and most of the time we won't know the reason which can be excruciatingly annoying sometimes. I'm here to tell you that it's ok. In the end, all will be ok. Please don't just hope for the sunshine. There are people all around you, open your heart to them and in prayer. Anyways next time you hear from me It will be on a Monday and I'll be pretty much in Canada so that should be fun. Hopefully, I'll have lots of stories to share with you all soon. Also thanks to anyone that has replied to my letters or sent me them in return. Although I am yet to reply to a single one, I love them each with a different part of my heart and it always puts a smile on my face and gives me a lot of motivation.
Sent from, your Moms Iphone, Elder Parker
Pictures - Back in my day we had to hike through the woods in order to find someone to teach.
Side note - My bets on Brother Drake for being one of the three Nephites.